As we are a part of your community, we are facing the same challenges as you and thousands upon thousands of businesses here in New Zealand.
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the way of life for us all now and into the foreseeable future. But with that said we at Cavalier are here to help our customers build their dream home.
We endeavour to communicate with customers, staff, and suppliers on our capability to deliver these new homes and will try allaying any concerns people may have about the COVID-19 situation when it comes to a building a new house.
We are open for business and will provide you with our same expertise from our committed Cavalier team. In these turbulent times, we have processes in place for all stages of the build lifecycle that will help us continue to give you the same great service and advice you have come to expect. Whilst at the same time we are taking the necessary measures to provide a space that is safe and hygienic for our customers, visitors, and our valued staff.
Focus on Hygiene
Hygiene is our number one priority, with a focus on:
- Social distancing will be observed by our staff members, between each other and the public
- Staff will be separated as much as possible in our offices, show homes and showrooms
- If possible, our staff will have the option of working from home to help minimise the risk and adhere to the social distancing policy as enacted by the national government
- Hand sanitiser is available at all our show homes, offices, and showrooms
- No large event or meetings will be held during this unprecedented time
- Cleaning in our show homes and offices as vital and we have put greater emphasis on our already high standards
- Stay home if you are unwell and call Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or your doctor if you think you have symptoms of COVID-19.
Although we are business as usual, we are asking all interested parties to please make an appointment with our staff via phone, email of via our website. We are looking to control the showings to one party at a time. These private appointments in show homes will be offered during business hours and after hours to suit you. We aim to make use out of technology including Facetime; Zoom; or over the phone so not to slow down any part of the process.
We thank you for your understanding and co-operation in these difficult times but as mentioned before we are still open and whether it’s an investment property, a first home or the house of your dreams we are here to help bring them all to life.
Please take care of yourself and those around you as we all need to work through this together. We appreciate your understanding and attention of this matter.
To help minimise the spread of COVID-19 we are suggesting that all customers regularly consult the Government website https://covid19.govt.nz/, which has a full list of recommendations including, regularly hand washing/sanitizing as well as social distancing.