What is Coastal style?
Coastal interior design is all about bringing the beach into your home. Think soft whites and beiges with natural fibres and timbers.
When it comes to selecting your furnishings, go for a relaxed style. Colours such as blues and greens can be brought in at this stage. Transforming your home into a luxury resort.
How to achieve this style in your new home!
Working with your Cavalier Homes Colour Consultant, they will be able to offer your advice and insider style tips to create a colour selection in this style.
For your internal colour selection, start with a light natural material such as wool carpet or timber. Pairing that with a light neutral colour for your walls.
For your external colour selection, think about a light-coloured brink render façade or a white weatherboard finish. Adding natural stone as the feature.

Large External Tile – Omni Stone Beige 600x 600 from Beaumont Tiles
Feature Tile – Tribecca White Brick 250 x 60 from Beaumont Tiles
Brick – Pathway from PGH Bricks
External Colorbond Colours – Windspray & Surfmist
Timber Accents

Large Internal Tile – Belga White 600 x 600 from Beaumont Tiles
White Gloss Lantern 275 x 250 from Beaumont Tiles
Fire Fingers Coffee Gloss 293 x 296 from Beaumont Tiles
Mosaic Stone Skyline Silver Travertine 300 x 300 from Beaumont Tiles
Carpet – EC Montrosa Colour Spire from Flooring Xtra
Vinyl Plank – Expona Superplank Colour Nordic White Oak from Flooring Xtra
Stone Benchtop – Premium Range Colour Neive White from Smartstone
Cabinetry – Agave Smooth Finish, Quartiera Maple Woodmatt Finish & Aston White Smooth Finish from Polytec
View More Moodboards

What is Hamptons Style? When thinking of Hamptons style a light and bright space comes to mind. It is a sophisticated design style with a touch of a beachy feel.

What is Contemporary style? Contemporary style is classic and timeless. It is a light-handed approach to decorating, when done correct, this style will never feel dated.

What is Industrial Chic? Industrial chic design is all about bold and edgy statement pieces to create a modern interior. Think exposed brick, natural wood.